McIntire Photography

Banners will NOT be created without payment.

If you DO NOT place a PREPAID order, it is your responsibility to contact us to pay for the banner. 

Banner Proofs will be put online for proofing 5-7 business days after the images are taken. McIntire staff will send an email to the email address provided to let you know when the proof is ready to be looked at. 

Banners will NOT be printed without a VERBAL Approval. This includes any changes made. Calling us to make a change to your banner is NOT an approval.  You will need to call us once the changes are placed online to make a VERBAL Approval.

You can call us at 513-528-5888 to make that approval.

Any banner not approved within 2 weeks from the picture date will be charged an additional $10 shipping charge.

Any Senior not photographed on SENIOR BANNER Day will need to call us to schedule an appointment to get their image taken.  Their banner will NOT be rushed to proof/print without an additional rush fee of $25.

Thank you!

McIntire Photography